Emergent physical phenomena in condensed-matter systems

Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 January 2019

Amphi du LABRI, Bordeaux


Supported by the Departement Science of Matter and Radiation of the University of Bordeaux

Emergent physical phenomena in condensed-matter systems

The aim of this meeting is gathering together the local community working on electronic and magnetic properties of condensed-matter, mesoscopic, or nanometer size systems.
The idea is to give an opportunity to researchers of the University of Bordeaux with a similar background and scientific interests, to know each other better with the goal of explore possible common interests and collaboration opportunities. In view of the local community, the workshop will cover different subjects, involving theory and/or experience, including superconductivity, classical and quantum magnetism, nano-mechanics, light-matter interaction, etc.

List of speakers:

R. Avrillier (LOMA)

C. Ayala (IMS)

S. Bernon (LP2N)

S. Bouzdine (LOMA)

S. Burdin (LOMA)

J. Cayssol (LOMA)

G. Chastanet (ICMCB)

R. Clérac (CRPP)

E. Freysz (LOMA)

L. Hirsch (IMS)

B. Lounis (LP2N)

M. Maglione (ICMCB)

F. Pistolesi (LOMA)

S. Tencé (ICMCB)

B. Vignolle (ICMCB)

Complementary to the invited talks and the poster session, that should provide a nice overview of the Bordeaux research activity in our field, we plan to leave plenty of free time during coffee break and buffet for scientific discussions.


To know

Meeting on Monday 14 (full day) and Tuesday 15 (morning) January

Registration deadline:Tuesday 18 December

Abstract submission deadline: Wednesday 9 January








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